Thursday, October 11, 2007

5th Assignment

1. Wandering down a vacant, un-tordden path, Emma Paddock thought about the uneventful day ahead. Often mistaken as the typical misunderstood teen, she only had one friend, Shawn. After walking for about a mile of nothing but trees and overgrown shrubs, she heard him calling.
2. She stood there alone, on the edge of the street. A small, petite girl of 17 with a calm demeanor. Not one to smile easily, she had a blank face that was often filled with some thought. Emma Paddock was a day-dreamer. No one took the time to get to know her, except for her one friend, Shawn.
3. The bright sun shined upon, her hidden face. As she made her way through the winding path, tall trees made way for the teen girl.
4. "The day is almost done, but nothing worthwhile has passed," Emma Paddock murmured to herself as she began to walk to her only friend.

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