Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Assignment #2

7th and 8th grade was when I really started to like to read. The author that started it all was Tamora Pierce. I had seen one of her newer books at Barnes and Noble, and read it for a project in school. I talked to one of my friends and she said that there were a lot of great books by her. That moment started my reading obsession. I went out and started from the beginning. I got the first book Alanna: The First Adventure.

A passage from the book is:
Alanna looked around and checked the hall for servants. "Tomorrow he gives us the letters for the man who trains the pages and the people at the covenant. You can imitate his writing, so you can do new letters, saying we're twin boys. You go to the convent. Say in the letter that you're to be a sorcerer. The Daughters of the Goddess are the onces who train young boys in magic, remember? When you're older, they'll send you to the priests. And I'll go the palace and learn to be a knight!"

The book is everything that I love. A young woman growing up into something she's always wanted to be. Conquering evil and standing up for what she believes in. This book and all Tamora Pierce's books have helped me through my roughest times. I know that they will always be there to cheer me up and that when you put your mind to something, anything is possible.

Writing Prompt
In the book, Alanna goes to extremes to get what she wants. She pretends to be a boy for 8 years. Has there ever been a time when you thought it would be easier to be someone else? Who is that person and why do you want to be like them?


Rimma said...

hahah jordin you have no comments so i will the first!
alright. i am sure that everyone has wanted to be someone else in their lives. i think that its just a way to escape from your life and to imagine yourself in a better situation. I dont remember anyone in specific that i have wished to be, but when i was little i remember wishing that i was a celebrity because i thought that because they were rich and pretty they had no problems. wow i was dumb, but anways i dont wish that anymore. i usually just want to trade places with my friends or someone who i think at the time has an easy life.

Rima H said...

well when i was little i had always wanted to be my dad because he owned his own comapany so i thought he slacked off the eintire time and got to yell at people if they were not doing anything. I thought he use to relax all day in his comfy chairs at work. Instead of going to school all day and learning i had wanted to relax and get to do anything...a little kid's dream!! but once i got older i relized that my dad is actually the one who works the most. staying there till late at night and leaving in the early hours. But now he is my role model and i'm happy i can call him my dad.