Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First Assignment

I'm Jordin. My writing interests are short poems and random thoughts. I'd like to be able to make some of my random thoughts into some thing more. This semester I want to be able to write longer poems and maybe short stories. Some writers I like are Meg Cabot, Tamora Pierce, JK Rowling, and just basically a lot of teen fiction and some fantasy. I really like Tamora Pierce because she writes coming of age stories about women in a male dominated time period. She writes a lot of fantasy, but its all relatable.

Here is a sample of my writing:

Confusion naws at her mind where contentment once ruled
Longing for a moment, Longing for the return of peace


Rimma said...

Happy Birthday DIAMOND! .... get excited for friday!

robena said...

nice blog jordin. i like your little sample :]